emmie, or the mp4 system, is bodily 21 years old, white, and lives in the u.s.
collective they is okay to be used for us, as is collective language. our
collectively, we identify as nonbinary aroaceflux, but identities change by alter.
we are diagnosed with fibromyalgia, pcos, asthma, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, other specified dissociative disorder, and bipolar 2. we wear glasses for bad eyesight and vision correction and use a cane during flare ups.


pantheon / theora

she/her, đŸĒģ/đŸĒģ. feminine terms. cc page.
nonhuman ageless angel girl. femme bisexual.
main host, traumaholder, symptom holder.
a fan of kryoz, tomska, and geese! more info?

rosemary / thomas

she, he, <3/<3. feminine/neutral terms. cc page.
20yo nonhuman girl specimen. femme bisexual.
co-host, traumaholder, introject of specimen 5.
a fan of borderlands and eddsworld! more info?

bellamy / elias

it, he. masculine/neutral terms. cc page.
ageless nonhuman guything. incertaboy bisexual.
co-host, work alter, fatigue holder, splitroject.
a fan of will wood and minecraft. more info?

roswell / salem

she, it, x, love, vi, đŸĒ, đŸĒ“. fem/neu terms. cc page.
ageless nonhuman entity. casigirl juxera aroaceflux.
co-host, gatekeeper, notetaker.
a fan of tally hall and pinning interests. more info?

sienna / sia

she, it, shx, sie, stab, 🩷, 🖤. feminine terms. cc.
ageless 21yo nonhuman demon. femme bisexual.
co-host, traumaholder, sexual alter, protector.
a fan of tyler, the creator and bear ghost. more info?


andromeda / andi, andy

she, sh*, 🔌. feminine / neutral terms. cc page.
ageless nonhuman robot, botgender erasinix femme.
archivist, notetaker.
a fan of mint flavor and orchestral music. more info?

athens / athena

it. feminine / neutral terms.
ageless nonhuman angel.
persecutor, gatekeeper, infokeeper.


she, they, it. neutral terms.
ageless nonhuman robot.
persecutor, gatekeeper, infokeeper.



they. neutral terms.
adult human person.
family interacting alter.

larkspur / lark / absinthe

she. feminine terms.
adult lady.
gatekeeper, mediator.

petra / katya

she, it, sie, stab. neutral / feminine terms.
nonhuman demon monster girl. juxera demi aceflux.



he/him, they/them. neutral/masculine terms.
ageless nonhuman angel boy. angelician bisexual.
soother, introject.


he, they, di, av, đŸ’ŋ. masculine/neutral terms. cc.
adult guyfailure. transmasc bisexual.
archivist, introject.
a fan of minecraft.


he/him. masculine terms.
adult man. cisgender bisexual.
anger holder, introject.

lily / dearie

she/her, it/its. feminine terms.
ageless nonhuman angel.
abuse taker.


she/her, 🌱/🌱. feminine terms.
adult nonhuman plant girl.
apparently normal part.


he/him. masculine terms.
adult guy. cisgender bisexual.
caretaker, introject.


he/him, they/them. masculine terms.
adult wolfman.
buffer, introject.


he/him, they/them. masculine/neutral terms.
adult guything.
protector, introject.


she, it, đŸ”Ē. feminine/neutral terms. cc page.
ageslider nonhuman bunnygirl. nonbinary pan.
mania holder, introject.


ares / umber / raye

he/him, it/its. masculine terms.
adult guy. libramasculine loving women.
anger holder, introject.

buggy / zoeya

she, they, fae, 🍞, 🍄. feminine / neutral terms.
adult girl.

keyes / key / jay / jk

he, they, it. masculine / neutral terms.
adult human. transmasc butch bisexual.
protector, introject.



she. feminine terms.
cisgender heterosexual.
happiness holder.

milo / angel

they, he. neutral terms.
nonhuman ghostboy.
depression holder, introject.

tack / tachycardia

he, they, it, xe, x. masculine/neutral terms.
adult nonhuman thing.
chore completer, introject.

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